What is Oral Cancer?

Oral Cancer | Orange Herbs
Oral Cancer is divided into stages. Smokers and heavy drinkers have the highest risk of developing oral cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential.

What is Oral Cancer?

Do you know? Out of hundreds of types of cancer, we can prevent only one oral cancer. Why???? Because it is only cancer that signals before it produces. Getting oral cancer is a very long process for a healthy person.

A decade ago, people were only able to see the oral pre-cancerous stages in the shape of red & white patches in the oral cavity. These conditions are known as Leukoplakia & Erythroplakia.

Nowadays, world-class scientists have developed oral screening devices which are very useful for the early detection of pre-malignant lesions in the mouth. People with positive oral screening reports will have fewer chances to develop oral cancer than visible red & white patches. Early detection means early treatment. A positive oral screening report indicates that the lesions (red & white) in the oral cavity are not cancerous yet. However, Leukoplakia, etc., conditions in the oral cavity may have cancerous lesions.

The carrier of oral cancer does not live in our body. The factors of oral cancer development in the oral cavity are due to bad eating and drinking habits. Stop the use of tobacco & alcohol right now and live healthily.

What is Oral Cancer?

A Brief Overview of the Invisible and Silent Killer

Oral Cancer is the outcome of uncontrollable growth of cells that invade & damage the surrounding tissue. Oral cancer is cancer that develops in the tissues of the mouth or throat. It belongs to a bigger group of cancers called head & neck cancers. Most grow in the squamous cells found in your mouth, tongue, and lips.

The starting of conditions that may convert to oral cancer is so minute that these can't see it by eyes. It is as simple as turning a healthy tissue into an unhealthy one. For a long time, this process keeps going on and on in the oral cavity, i.e., multiplication in unhealthy lesions. This condition is known as pre-malignant lesions & can only be detected by special oral screening devices. Those pre-malignant lesions soon became visible in small white patches known as Leukopakia or red patches known as Erythroplakia. If the patches are on the tongue, they are visible, and you can go in for treatment. But these patches can be under the tongue, on the hard palate (roof of the mouth), or the insides of either of the cheeks where we can't see in routine. Moreover, these patches are painless and can't be sensed by touch, making their detection in the initial stage still more difficult. That's why oral cancer is the invisible and silent killer.

Main Causes of Oral Cancer

Mouth or oral cancer is also called the cancer of the oral cavity caused by several factors, and the major carriers are tobacco and alcohol. We believe quitting these habits is positively beneficial. But even if someone is an addict to smoking and tobacco chewing. By the time they stopped them, they may have already started the pre-cancerous conditions in the mouth.

Other Causes of Oral Cancer

It established that if a person is not addicted to tobacco in any form or alcohol, he may still develop mouth cancer symptoms.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

The starting of oral cancer is the conversion of healthy tissues to unhealthy ones & their multiplication. Eyes do not see it. The common symptoms of oral cancer include:

  • Swellings or lumps or eroded areas on the lips, gums, or other areas inside the mouth.
  • Persistent sores on the mouth that bleed easily and do not heal within two weeks.
  • A soreness or feeling that something caught in the back of the throat.
  • Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, or moving the jaw or tongue.

How Does Cansure Toothpaste Help?

Oral cancer can occur for various reasons. However, our invention is about Red & White Lesions & their advanced conditions. The Cansure toothpaste developed by Orange Herbs fights against this Silent and Invisible killer. Brushing with Cansure toothpaste twice a day means fighting against the pre-cancerous lesions and stopping the reoccurrence of any such growth. Cansure toothpaste is harsh for pre-malignant lesions and soft for good lesions. This ultimately leads to the preventtion of Oral Cancer altogether.

Understanding Oral Cancer